What is PHP?

PHP is probably the most popular scripting language on the web. It is used to enhance web pages. With PHP, you can do things like create username and password login pages, check details from a form, create forums, picture galleries, surveys, and a whole lot more. If you've come across a web page that ends in PHP, then the author has written some programming code to liven up the plain, old HTML.

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How to play YouTube videos in ASP.NET Web Application

Here Pawan Kumar has explained, how to play YouTube videos in ASP.NET Web Application. In our YouTube Application, We have a TextBox to enter the YouTube URL(Uniform Resource Locator) and after entering the YouTube Video URL into the respective TextBox user has to click the button to play the YouTube video.

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YouTube Application in ASP.NET Play YouTube Videos in ASP.NET ASP.NET with YouTube Play Videos asp.net youtube video embed asp.net youtube video player

How can we copy data From one Table to another Table in MS-SQL Server

Here Pawan Kumar will explain While working with MS-SQL Sever many times we will find some difficulties to copy the data or value from one table to another table and In some situation, we come across with different question related to data copy from one table to another table like, How to copy data from one table to another?, How to insert the data from one table to another table? and similar sort of questions.

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copy from one table to another table copy data in sql server select into sql command insert into SQL Command sql tip sql tricks

How to develop a Simple Chat Application in C# Using SignalR

SignalR is a latest library for ASP.NET developers that makes it incredibly simple to add real-time web functionality to your applications. It's the ability to have your server-side code push content to the connected clients as it happens, in real-time.

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Using jQuery How We Can Limit Number of Characters in Textarea or Textbox

Here Pawan Kumar will explain how to use jQuery to limit number of characters in textarea(textbox).This will work even when user is copying and pasting text into the textarea or textbox or in other words how can we use jQuery to restrict textbox's or textarea's length with detailed example.

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jQuery tips & tricks how to limit characters inside a textarea JQueyLimit jquerytextarea

How to use AJAX Timer Control in ASP.NET using C# with Example and Source Codes

Here Pawan Kumar will explain, How AJAX Timer Control in ASP.NET using C# with screenshot and detailed example. This will help the beginners to learn and implement and make use of very useful ASP.NET AJAX Timer Control.

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ASP.NET Ajax Timer Control ajax timer control example asp.net ajax sample ajax controls in asp.net with examples how to use ajax timer control in asp net timer control in asp net

How can we Insert, Update, Delete Records in ASP.NET Server Control ListView in ASP.NET with C#

Here Pawan Kumar will explain, How can we Insert, Update, Delete records in ASP.NET Server Control ListView in ASP.NET with C# with screenshot and detailed example. This will help the beginners to learn and implement and make use of very useful ASP.NET Server control ListView

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Insert Update Delete Records in ListView ListView Tips Tricks Listview Tutorials ListView Controls ASP.NET ListView ListView Control Various Functionality

Get todays Day Name SQL server

There are functions which already provided by SQL. We will use these function to achieve our expected result. To get todays day name using system datetime ,we can use following query.

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Set meta tag in asp.net programmaticaly for creating seo friendly websites

Here Pawan Kumar has explained how to Set meta tag in asp.net programmatically for creating SEO friendly websites. Search Engine Optimization or SEO helps a website to get generic traffic from internet and traffic is very important for a website to retain in the market and when we are developing Search Engine Optimization or SEO friendly ASP.NET Websites, the first and important basic thing for Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the META Tags(like Keywords, Title, Description)

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ASP.NET Meta tags SEO ASP.NET Meta Keywords Meta Description SEO friendly websites

AutoComplete Feature in winform application using C Sharp

In this article, I will explain you how can we use the AutoComplete Feature in winform application using C Sharp. For example I have created a winform application using c sharp from the Visual Studio. You can fol low the given below steps to achieve the solution For any graphical user interface, this may become very useful feature that makes it easy for users to fill in applications or forms by suggesting them suitable words or phrases in appropriate text boxes.

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AutoComplete Feature Winform Application C Sharp Winform Handy Trick and Tips Winform Example